Gritos y silencios: Memorias femeninas en el Uruguay pos-dictadura
sort – memories, state’s terrorismAbstract
In the following article we propose an analytic path crossbred to the different moments of feminine memories into de State’s terrorism in Uruguay.
Since 1985 has been emerged the horror’s histories as soon as was possible. A few stories were related from the protagonists directly, and less from the women. The masculine character was the principal characteristic of these stories. From an heroic report, the men have been told their experiences during the dictatorial process.
Although the feminine representation emerged at the end of 90´s to the Uruguayan public space, the feminine voices had been presented before, by the testimonial form, those relates hadn’t been the object to construct a sight of sort to the recently past.
Since 1996, -agreed with the Silence Walk – the interest was increased about the items that had a relationship with the recently past and the Human Right’s violations. From there, the preoccupation as from the investigation than their protagonists, emerges for recuperation the women’s actions and practices.
The objective of this article, is the women appropriation process to their own traumatic experiences, put them into the country’s public life, since the democratic restauration. Those silence memories, that beginning to be hearing with strong voices, from the most tragic dimension.
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