The contribution of Massera to the advance in democracy.
We have been invited as part of the tribute to Engineer José Luis Massera (1915-2002) to mark the 100th anniversary of his birth, to develop a presentation on "the contribution of Massera to the advancement in democracy."
It is not possible, even with an exhaustive knowledge of the life of the engineer José Luis Massera, of his performance in the field of scientific research and teaching in mathematics and in the theory and practice of politics that few knew how to reconcile without declining in the rigor and commitment with which it was dedicated to both -which is not the case of those who here and now begin to speak- refer to the requested question of their contribution to "progress in democracy", without starting by pointing out the provocative and eventually fertile ambiguity that both in terms of meaning and meaning, this expression contains.
MASSERA, José Luis, (1958) “Los comunistas y la paz, la democracia, el patriotismo”, Estudios N° 8, 96-106.
MASSERA, José Luis, (1972) A manera de presentación, Rodney Arismendi Insurgencia juvenil ¿Revuelta o revolución?, tercera edición, EPU, Montevideo, 7-66.
MASSERA, José Luis, (1985) Homenaje a Lenin, Separata Estudios N° 93, Montevideo.
MASSERA, José Luis, (1996a) Acerca de la transición del capitalismo al comunismo, en Marx hoy, 107-116.
MASSERA, José Luis, (1996b) Reflexiones críticas en torno al reciente trabajo de Lucien Seve “La cuestión del Comunismo”, Sobre la cuestión del comunismo, Edición de la Casa Bertolt Brecht, Montevideo, 5-18.
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