Corry, Stephen. Indigenous peoples For the world of tomorrow, Spain: Editorial Círculo Rojo, 2014.
"This book is largely personal," says Corry (1951, Malaysia-England), an indigenous rights activist and director of the NGO Survival International since 1984. Indeed, it is a popular book that Corry elaborates , according to he himself indicates in the first pages, from his experience and conversations with indigenous, anthropologists, governmental agents, missionaries and other consulted, to whom he dedicates his thanks. Beyond these first mentions, the book lacks any note or bibliographical reference, an issue that Corry defends as "narrative work", noting, for his part, that "he could not have written it under any other condition" (435). With these few words, more than one reader might think that it is the new Castaneda but this would be totally wrong. It is, instead, a long non-academic talk, a basic manual, apparently guided by good intentions but full of inaccuracies, vague references and important omissions that the director of Survival offers to a certain audience with peculiar characteristics, which we will deduce throughout the pages.
GUDYNAS, Eduardo; “La ecología política de la crisis global y los límites del capitalismo benévolo”, en Íconos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. Num. 36, Quito, enero 2010, pp. 53-67. Disponible en:
HINKELAMMERT, Franz; El asalto al Poder Mundial y la violencia sagrada del Imperio; San José, Costa Rica: DEI, 2003.
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