Las peores of Gabriela Ynclán: between documentary theater and fiction


  • Carlos Gutiérrez Bracho Universidad Veracruzana



missing people, documentary theater, Mexico


Performance arts are, for some artists, a space recovering historical stories searching in historical documents and real biographies that resist to become official dictum from governments and being by that lost for our memory. One of those artists is Gabriela Ynclán (Juan Ruiz de Alarcón prize 2021). Her play Las peores shows two instances of making invisible people and struggles to challenge it: the invisibilization of women for being women and of the political missing people, those who have been silenced due their discourse against despotic regimes. This article analyzes this play, which came from an academic research to make present this story of whom has been thought to be the first women forced to disappear in México, in the government of Agustin de Iturbide.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Bracho, C. (2023). Las peores of Gabriela Ynclán: between documentary theater and fiction. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 7(1), 65–84.