Regulatory policies in Argentine viticulture. Crisis and intervention of the state. 1930-1940


  • María Silvia Ospital Conicet/ Universidad Nacional de la Plata/ Universidad Nacional de Quilmes



As has been widely studied, since the beginning of modern winemaking -around 1870-, the government was active in promoting and supporting the wine sector. However, their participation was crucial at certain moments in its history. In this regard, the creation of the Regulatory Board Wine (1935-1943) was much more than a temporary measure trying to mitigate the problems of the market.

This paper presents a comprehensive overview of government action in this field, comparing the various initiatives that appeared in the 1930 decade in the context of one of the most important crisis exhibited by the industry. Those policies defined, to a large extend, the structure of winemaking until late XX century. In particular, we aim to explain the political and economic reasons behind the creation of Wine Regulatory Board and its performance.



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How to Cite

Ospital, M. S. (2019). Regulatory policies in Argentine viticulture. Crisis and intervention of the state. 1930-1940. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 3(1), 95–116.