Agricultural Education/Rural. Education in Entre Ríos, Argentina. Continuity and Change (1930-1943)
The purpose of this article is to analyze agricultural and rural education in the province of Entre Ríos (Argentina) between 1930 and 1943, period characterized by the conservative restoration and the agrarian socioeconomic fluctuations. The province has a rich educational history with the Normal Schools of Paraná and the school of Uruguay at the head. The peculiarity of Entre Ríos in terms of agricultural education was that the normalists were those who promoted it in the provincial jurisdiction since the late nineteenth century - from the school of rural teachers Alberdi- unlike the Ministry of Agriculture of the Nation in which agronomists prevailed and a more technical profile. We think that to train the "real Argentine farmer” in a province with a strong immigrant presence, it was the purpose of both systems, although for the normalists it was linked to the problem of literacy. And this critical decade also affected the system in different ways. Analysis of curricula, edited and unpublished sources, preserved in provincial and national repositories, provide the precise material for the study.
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