Public sphere and political subjectivities in The new man (2015) by Aldo Garay


  • Yamile Ferreira Washington University in St Louis



The article addresses the documentary El hombre nuevo by Aldo Garay, which proposed a critical stance towards hegemonic constructions of masculinity and femininity that characterizes patriarchal societies, questioning the idea of man as the only subject of social transformation, while proposing other ways to transition gender and political agency. These processes are conveyed through a complex portrait of Stephania Mirza Curbelo. Throughout the film, she confronts discrimination and systematic exclusion, related to poverty and homophobic and transphobic prejudices.


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Author Biography

Yamile Ferreira, Washington University in St Louis

Washington University in St Louis


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How to Cite

Ferreira, Y. (2019). Public sphere and political subjectivities in The new man (2015) by Aldo Garay. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 3(2), 267–286.