Guarani club: an ethnographic narrative of the experiences of a black club in the extreme south of Brazil


  • Marilia Floôr Kosby Université de Liège - Bélgica



Black Clubs; Afro-American Populations; Ethnographies of Pampa


This article presents some ethnographic narratives woven during a research conducted with the black families who founded the Guarani Club in the Brazilian city of Arroio Grande, located near the border with Uruguay, a region strongly marked by the latifundium, the slavement, the patriarchy. Founded in 1920, with the aim of bringing together families who were prohibited from attending other social clubs in the city due to racial discrimination, the Guarani Club is considered by its founders and members to be one family. With contributions from the field of Urban Anthropology and Ethnographies of African American Populations, this work add the theme of black associations in the South American continent to the motivations, dilemmas and joys that have permeated the Club’s history since its foundation until its transformation into Point of Culture. The phenomena are, therefore, considered in their multiple crossroads of raciality, gender and class.


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How to Cite

Floôr Kosby, M. (2019). Guarani club: an ethnographic narrative of the experiences of a black club in the extreme south of Brazil. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 3(2), 247–266.