Think about intercultural education: a contribution to the utopianism of Human Rights


  • Rafael A. Lárez Puche Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela
  • Kenya Barroso Peña Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt, Maracaibo, Venezuela



Subject; education; intercultural


In times of modern globalization, where the Eurocentric tendency and the technical rationality justify the scientific practices to generalize the structures of thought, arises the need of conformation of a subject that bets for a public ethics that is constructed from the subjectivity. Latin America has a mixture of characteristics that come from different cultures and identities, acclaiming this way the consolidation of a public space that allows the construction of the subjectivity across an education that shares and recognizes the other one. For the research, we attend to the bibliographical-documental review that allows in turn a hermeneutic analysis of liberating and transformer character.


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How to Cite

Lárez Puche, R. A. . ., & Barroso Peña, K. (2020). Think about intercultural education: a contribution to the utopianism of Human Rights. ENCUENTROS LATINOAMERICANOS (Segunda Época) ENCLAT ISSN 1688-437X, 4(1), 46–56.