Can a genuinely universal concept of poverty be given?
Poverty; Human Rights; DifféranceAbstract
The following article is based on the difficulties and tensions that we identify by dismantling the rights, whose recipients are always the subjects, appear to be threatened by an empty universality that denies différance. To do this, we take as a reference the analysis of poverty as a political category that needs an ontological and deconstructive revision starting from the dissemination of the Human-Rights. This problem makes visible that there are lives and subjects that answer to the needs of a truth regime that marginalizes and displaces other subjects. We will provide the opportunity to announce the implications of deconstructing the place of the Humanities, specifically philosophy, and how they specify the vanishing and resistance points against the dehumanization of a present that is reflected in the expression, definition and exaltation of a poor subject. From the concept of différance developed in the philosophy of J. Derrida, other ways and models of encountering others open up. It is then that poverty as an event comes to account for what belongs to the world of the possible, even of a possible performative.
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