Beyond the dialectics between deterioration and gentrification


  • Eduardo Álvarez Pedrosian Facultad de Comunicación. Udelar



urban central zones, public policies, social movements, deterioration, gentrification


In this paper, we expose a reflection about the dynamics of production of contemporary urban space, since the historic second enlargement of Montevideo. In particular, we are focusing on research a complex perspective that allows us to overcome the dichotomy between deterioration and gentrification. First, we do a brief contextualization. Then, we reflecting about the phenomenon of deterioration in consolidate urban zones, questioning about his sense and significance in the everyday dwell. Later we problematize the notion of gentrification, considering possible alternatives since emergent practices and analyzing the historical process of the zone, since different agents have intervened on his configuration. For last, we considered attempts for produce public spaces since urban policies in the last time like a way to promote the right of city. We add final considerations about the qualities of the Latin-American urban territorialities. 


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Author Biography

Eduardo Álvarez Pedrosian, Facultad de Comunicación. Udelar

Coordinador del Laboratorio Transdisciplinario de
Etnografía Experimental (Labtee) y su Programa en
Comunicación, Arquitectura, Ciudad y Territorio
(ACT-Com.), FIC-Udelar, Uruguay. Miembro del SNI-ANII.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Pedrosian, E. (2021). Beyond the dialectics between deterioration and gentrification. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 6(1), 51–70.