What to Show? How to Protect? Analysis of Collaborations Between New Cinematheques to Tackle Shared Problems During the 1950s
Cinematheques, Film circulation, Film exchangesAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyse the collaborations forged between the Argentinean Cinematheque, the Filmotheque of the Museum of Modern Art of San Pablo and the Uruguayan Cinematheque as well as their interactions with the French Cinematheque from the late 1940s and during the 1950s. Through the analysis of institutional archive materials, we will explore the ends and purposes of these institutions at the time of their creation. Studying specific programmes and their links with local cine-clubs, in addition to the analysis of the conceptual discussions on preservation, will allow us to reach a better understanding of the delicate balance that, from the very beginning, these institutions have tried to keep with difficulty between showing and protecting.
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* ————— 26 noviembre de 1953, carta a Roland, A-FIAF.
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