El cultivo de una lectura ecuánime para la ciudadanía





citizen education, reading, polyphony


The article reflects on the practical possibilities of applying narrative to an emotional education program aimed at promoting democratic coexistence. The research from which this article arises has sought to identify criteria for selecting stories according to the idea that the adequacy of literature for citizen education purposes is not necessarily in a text but in the way of reading it. This way of reading, which is chosen to be called "equable reading", is inspired by the work of Wayne Booth, who redefines the so-called ethical criticism, going from being a judgment about a work to being a dialogue about its qualities. In this sense, the criterion ceases to be a static list of the type of works to be addressed, to focus on the characteristics that dialogue should have in communities of readers.


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Author Biography

Helena Modzelewski, Universidad de la República

Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad de Valencia, España. Magíster en Literatura Latinoamericana por la Universidad de la República. Profesora adjunta del Departamento de Historia y Filosofía de la Educación, FHCE, Udelar.


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How to Cite

Modzelewski, H. (2022). El cultivo de una lectura ecuánime para la ciudadanía. Revista Fermentario, 16(1), 164–175. https://doi.org/10.47965/fermen.16.1.12