Filtros, dragones y golondrinas:

Una lectura de Tristán e Isolda desde la Teoría Moral




emotions, moral luck, Moral Theory, self-reflection


Starting from the poetic image that the end of Tristan and Isolde leaves us with -a bush linking two tombs-, and the images of the swallows, the dragon and the filter, it is proposed to travel to the deep complexity that the link between Tristan and Isolde means, in order to contemplate the roles of: moral luck in this legendary love, the emotions that mobilize the actions of these lovers, and finally, self-reflection as a process that encourages the address of ethical aspects in a classic piece of universal literature. This work is introduced as a feasible narrative approach to bring to the classroom and help with the emergence of the figure of moral luck as a trigger for global and individual reflections, on the path of thinking and self awareness.


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Author Biography

Jorge Vidal Anselmi, Fhce - SODRE

Docente de la Escuela Nacional de Formación Artística del Sodre, Uruguay. 

Estudiante de Lic. en Educación y Lic. en Letras, Fhce, UdelaR.

Bailarín, coreógrafo y director teatral.


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How to Cite

Vidal Anselmi, J. (2022). Filtros, dragones y golondrinas:: Una lectura de Tristán e Isolda desde la Teoría Moral. Revista Fermentario, 16(1), 112–126.