The words that we say:

a reflection on the language of the “Capacitação Inclusiva” Project and the artistic-pedagogical practice as a form of invention




Keywords: Autism; Border Pedagogy; Theater Pedagogy.


The article investigates the pedagogical proposal of the “Capacitação Inclusiva” Project, developed at the Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Autistas de Guarujá (APAAG), a city on the south coast of São Paulo, between April 2021 and January 2022. Art in its structure, the Project announced the desire to promote “culture and art in the municipality, creating cultural programs and actions for people with special needs”. (APAAG, 2021, p. 7). It is intended to debate, from the unveiling of the knowledge sorted for circulation in the Project, and in the determination of its language, which views about the autistic learner and about Art constitute “Capacitação Inclusiva”. It is estimated to confront such perspectives with contemporary notions of Art/Education, Disability Studies and Cultural Action, with the objective of understanding how the Project mobilizes itself in the fulfillment of its formative intentions and the expansion of culture. It is also a goal of the article to present an artistic-pedagogical proposal that was built at APAAG, based on the principles of a border pedagogy, in the terms of Henry Giroux, from the understanding of the right to aesthetic learning of autistic people.




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Author Biography

Nicholas Belem Leite, Universidade de São Paulo

Master's student in Performing Arts (PPGAC/ECA/USP), supervised by Ingrid Koudela. Specialist in Art in Education: Theory and Practice (CMU/ECA/USP). Graduated in Theater (degree and bachelor's degree summa cum laude) from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Experience in the field of Art, with emphasis on Theater Pedagogy. Currently, researching the educational practice in Theater with autistic people. Art educator in basic school and in non-formal education.


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How to Cite

Belem Leite, N. (2022). The words that we say: : a reflection on the language of the “Capacitação Inclusiva” Project and the artistic-pedagogical practice as a form of invention. Revista Fermentario, 16(1), 148–163.