Dancing with Stories: An inventive Pedagogical Tactic





art, inventive teacher training, becoming-child


At the intersection of art and teacher training, creative spaces emerge for new pedagogical practices and new perspectives on oneself and on the teaching profession. This text is a reflection based on a formative meeting with early childhood education teachers in the city of São Paulo in which two artistic languages ​​were crossed, namely dance and storytelling, promoting new perspectives for the work developed with students and the students of those teachers and themselves. It is a possibility of work, not to be followed as a model, but as an opening of other ways of teaching, dialoguing with the proposal of inventive formation. It is in the blurring of the borders between artistic languages, in a new territory – the school – that this text will develop, crying out for a ‘play’, in search of a becoming-child. Our bet is that this deterritorialization moves thinking, opening space for other pedagogical practices less linked to standards of right and wrong, but something more transgressive, provocative and above all inventive.


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Author Biography

Lais Schalch, Unicamp

Doctoral student in Education at Unicamp, Master in Brazilian Literature at USP and graduated in Social Sciences at PUC-SP. She is part of the Research Group on Education, Language and Cultural Practices and the Trans group, with an emphasis on the philosophy of difference. She is a dance artist, educator and researcher of the relationship between art, education and teacher training.


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How to Cite

Schalch, L. (2023). Dancing with Stories: An inventive Pedagogical Tactic. Revista Fermentario, 17(1), 97–108. https://doi.org/10.47965/fermen.17.1.6