El cabello de Agnes
reflexiones-collage en torno a la autoridad femenina y la relación pedagógica
In this reflection-collage article I propose the construction of a first-person narrative threading between the epistolary forms of our time (email) and narrative in order to address female authority (Muraro, 1994; Cigarini and Muraro, 2013; Irigaray, 1991) and the pedagogical relationship (López Carretero, 2011) in Depth, along with their possibilities for creating a place to be other ways of stablishing a relationship with the world. The importance of the recognition of the process of becoming a woman (Braidotti, 2015) and of starting from oneself will be argued, as well as the need to new forms of pedagogical writing that allow us to "invent" our voice (Larrosa, 2011).
Keywords: female authority, narrative, pedagogical relationship,
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