Contributions of American feminist anthropology in the 1970s: a look from Argentina based on research on indigenous women




In this article I briefly review two central debates/contributions of American feminist anthropology (female oppression and the politicization of domestic universes) of the American feminist anthropology of the 1970s, focusing on some articles from the compilation "Women, Culture and Society" edited by Michelle Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere (1974) and the work by Gayle Rubin (1975). Second, I stop at the American context of the 1970s where the struggles of the women's movement were on the rise and show what was happening with some indigenous women activists at that time. Finally, I point out some contributions of feminist anthropology in my doctoral research process on the historical and cultural changes in the cultural gender construction of a group of Qom women from the central-western Chaco during the 20th century (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Gómez, M. (2023). Contributions of American feminist anthropology in the 1970s: a look from Argentina based on research on indigenous women. Uruguayan Review of Anthropology and Ethnography On Line: ISSN 2393-6886, 7(2).